Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lord Siva

Thryambakam Yajaamahe' Suganthim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandana-mr.uthyormuksheeya Ma-amr.uthathu

We worship the three-eyed One, Lord Siva,
Who is fragrant and Who nourishes all beings;
May He liberate me from the death, for the sake of Immortality,
just as the ripe cucumber gets severed from the bondage of the vines.

Brahma Muraari Suraarchitha Lingam
Nirmala Baashitha So'bhitha Lingam
Janmaja Dh:ukkha Vinaasaka Lingam
Thath Pranamaami Sadhaasiva Lingam
Dhe'vamuni Parvaraarchitha Lingam
Kaama dhahana Karunaakara Lingam
Raavana Tharpa Vinaachana Lingam
Thath Pranamaami Sadhaasiva Lingam


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